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Would your life be better if you knew exactly how to harness the power of your menstrual cycle so that you could achieve hormonal balance, enjoy easier periods & boost your energy?
.... Keep Reading 👇

🙃 If you are ready to say goodbye to period cramps, PMS every month
🥦If you want to gain control of your body & get your hormones working FOR you
🌛If you are looking for natural & holistic approach to balance your hormones
😇If you are ready to feel at home in your body
🫠If you've tried everything & are frustrated with no solutions

A love note about the course
👉 Your periods are so painful that it stops you from getting out of bed
👉 You struggle with PMS (low energy, anxiety, depression, mood swings, acne, sore breasts, migraines) that is holding you back from living your best life
👉 You want to come off the pill and learn how to balance your hormones naturally
👉The only way you can currently manage your pain is by popping lots of Advil & Ibuprofen.
👉 You don't know about the different phases of the menstrual cycle, how to sync your diet, lifestyle & workouts as per your hormone fluctuations
👉 You have estrogen dominance or low progesterone
👉 You don't ovulate regularly or have fertility issues
👉 You have spotting before periods, short luteal phases, missing or irregular periods
👉 You have PCOS, endometriosis, cysts, fibroids or other hormonal issues
💕Love from clients...

🫠NO MORE dreading your periods or PMS every month
🫠 NO MORE missing out on travels & social events due to your cycles
🫠 NO MORE relying on birth control pills to mange your hormonal issues
🫠 NO MORE feeling like you have to drag yourself out of bed every morning
🫠 NO MORE caffeine for the energy boost!
🫠NO MORE feeling overwhelmed, frustrated or confused by all the health advice out there
It's time to learn how to nourish your body the right way, align with nature's rhythms, tap in to the wisdom of your menstrual cycle to balance your hormones and boost your well-being and actually enjoy the process! 🥳💃
🌛Learn the art of cycle syncing and how to harness the strength of your cycle for healthier hormones & easier periods.
🌛Embrace the "inner seasons" of your menstrual cycle and implement practical tools to sync your nutrition, exercise, work & lifestyle to increase energy, reduce stress & maximize productivity
🌛Learn how to align your cycles with the moon and live in harmony with your body's hormonal highs & lows, just as the way natured intended.
🌛Tap into the immensely transformative power of feminine energy
🌛Learn how to control your hormones rather than them controlling you!
- You have a deeper connection with your body and work WITH the body, not AGAINST it
- Your periods are regular & come virtually without any uncomfortable warning signs
- You have abundant energy, clearer skin, less cramps and more vitality!
- You no longer call in sick to work, leading to improved career performance
- You've mastered the art of work-life balance, harnessing your newfound energy and body wisdom to excel in your career and nurture your relationships seamlessly

- Regain control over your menstrual cycle & hormonal fluctuations
- Naturally manage PCOS, endometriosis, irregular/ heavy/ painful/ missing periods
- Harness the power of each phase of your menstrual cycle to enhance your health & well-being
- Live in sync with nature, celebrate (not hate) being a woman & deepen your connection with yourself

In this module, get introduced to the course, learn the fundamentals of how your hormones & menstrual cycle work.
- How your hormones work in different phases
- Mindset + daily habits for healthy periods
- Common period problems, myths & mistakes
- About birth control pills
- Diet + lifestyle tips & habits to balance blood sugar, boost energy & have healthy periods
This module will help you understand cycle syncing, different phases of your menstrual cycle, lunar cycles, tracking and more!
- A detailed explanation of all phases + cycle syncing
- How to align your cycle with moon cycles + how to use light therapy to regulate your periods
- How to track your cycles and ovulation to help you identify which phase you are in

This module deep dive into learning how to sync different aspects of your life with your menstrual cycle to balance your hormones, reduce pain, regulate your cycles and also help PCOS, endometriosis, estrogen dominance, luteal phase defects etc.
- Nutrition for every cycle phase
- Herbs & supplements for every phase
- How to do seed cycling
- Self-care & lifestyle for every cycle phase
- Exercise for every cycle phase
- Work & productivity for every cycle phase

Unlock the power of natural essential oils to support your hormone balance & menstrual health. Get access to a comprehensive list of essential oils tailored to each phase of your cycle so that you can relax and harmonize your body, alleviate symptoms, and experience smoother, more vibrant cycles.
Gain access to a convenient Grocery List tailored for each phase of your cycle. Imagine having your shopping list ready, tailored for each phase of your cycle. No more wondering what to buy or digging through your pantry in confusion. It's like having your own personal shopper, but way more fun and hormone-friendly! Shop smarter and nourish your body in harmony with its changing needs

These Easy Cycle Phase Checklists will be your go-to companion for staying in sync with your cycle. They cover everything from diet and exercise to self-care and work, all condensed onto a single page that's fridge and desk-friendly. These hassle-free lists will keep you on track with your cycle, making life a breeze. Get ready to master your hormone harmony like a pro!
This bonus bundle includes bite-sized, one-page, easy reference cheat-sheets on endocrine disruptors, safe cookware, menstrual hormones for lab test, and seed cycling. Get ready to own your hormonal well-being like a pro!

Over $500 value for just
$37 USD
- 3 modules with 20+ comprehensive video trainings
- Mindset + Hormone Basics
- Cycle Syncing Basics + Moon Cycles, Tracking Ovulation Guide
- Cycle Syncing Mastery - Nutrition, Herbs & Supplements, Seed Cycling, Exercise, Self-care & Lifestyle for every phase
- + BONUS: essential oils guide
- + BONUS: Phase specific grocery lists
- + BONUS: Easy phase wise checklists
- + BONUS: Hormone Wellness Cheatsheets

Great question!
I (Pratima) have been a wellness coach for 12+ years and I'm certified in Functional Nutrition, the gold standard for healing chronic health issues based on root cause approach.
I specialize in gut, thyroid & hormone health and I believe in using food as medicine.
I've not only healed myself of chronic issues but also helped hundreds of women worldwide to lose weight, reverse hypothyroidism, hashimotos, PCOS, endometriosis, diabetes and metabolic dysfunctions naturally.
I struggled with heavy, painful periods and endometriosis all my life & tried literally everything but nothing helped, until I changed my diet and lifestyle. And cycle syncing played a key role in my healing journey.
Till date, I cycle sync to enjoy easier periods and that's why I created this course.
And I'd be honored to support you in your healing journey ❤️
YES, I'M READY FOR THIS!Can cycle syncing alone completely heal all my hormonal problems?
If cycle syncing were a one-size-fits-all solution, it would indeed be a magical remedy! 😄
BUUUUT here's the truth:
There's no single magic solution for healing. Every individual is different. Everyone's healing journey is different!
If your symptoms are relatively mild, incorporating cycle syncing practices can lead to noticeable improvements.
However, if you've been grappling with severe symptoms for an extended period, embracing cycle syncing as part of your healing journey represents a crucial and significant first step.
Why? Because cycle syncing, like easy-to-prepare smoothies, makes it convenient to stay consistent with healthy practices. And as we all know, CONSISTENCY is the key healing. 🌟